
I thank Eledumare Creator of the universe for what he has done, still doing, and what he will do later for me and my family through his daughter Iyanifa Bola. I'm very grateful. Barely two months that I met Iyanifa things are different for me and all are good. Iyanifa is not just a messenger, she is a true Mother and am glad I met her. Mama I truly love.

London 2023

Iyanifa Eleagu is Truly a Beacon of Light in our world.

Her Knowledge of IFA is Intricate and Deep.

Her Kindness,Understanding and her Transperency as a Counsellor has been, and is-an Oasis in the desert when I need it the most.

She has been and is,an excellent Support to have in Life..

Sensitive and Attentive,her Integrity makes any needed hard Truths easy to Receive,Work with and Adapt to.

Iyanifa's Keen insights on Spiritual applications are Unmatched,yet Practical and Successful.

I continue to seek her counsel.

She uses her Know-How to bring about Divine Intentions and Positive results.

I am Ever Grateful to Iyanifa and The Sacred Wisdom of IFA.

London 2023

I was the victim of severe and chronic child abuse. I was manhandled by a serial violent offender daily; a grown man whose favourite pastime was beating up little girls; his name was “Rev” Pa-Kwasi Amponsah. He knocked me about every day for 16 years. I sustained over 130 injuries, 80 of those are fractures. Yet for some reason, I still lived. When I met Iyanifa, however, I was on my last legs.

My skeleton actually askew. My skull faced off slightly in one direction and my chest in the other. This was due to the blunt force trauma of my body and head hitting a tiled floor laid on concrete. Iyanifa eased my skeleton back into place with Spirit guided massage therapy and herbal oils.

The head wounds which were extensive, are still being treated. Now water pours from the fracture in my forehead instead of migranes. I cannot tell you how much this alone changed my life. No more nightly migraines due to skull and bowel injuries. Iyanifa helped me to get free of this.

All my limbs were either dislocated, or slightly dislocated, my shoulders and arms were often twisted behind me.

Iyanifa eased them back into place so I could reach behind my back. Ifa worked with Iyanifa to do this.

My right leg was completely dislocated, it flopped to one side. It is now secured back in its place despite the socket itself being broken.

The wounds in my bowel and stomach are now, sealed. I am no longer bleeding internally.

Overall, pain levels were massively reduced.

The quality of my life rose sharply, and rises still.

Ifa and Iyanifa never faltered even when the agony often forced me to beg for death. They stood between me and the darkness. I am still alive because of the guidance and care of Iyanifa. It has given me a second chance to make something of this lost life.

The Body Works raised the quality of my life to previously inexperienced heights. If Iyanifa can turn my health and injuries around, and improve the quality of my life, she can certainly help you.

I am deeply grateful to IFA for the grace shown to me. I am grateful to Iyanifa sharing her knowledge and life force with me so I that could have a fighting chance at this thing called life. I am married now. A thing I once accepted a lost cause. I am grateful to my Ancestors for bringing me to Ifa before it was too late.

Kessie A. Amponsah

London, 2022